Just Pedal

lady on bike At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping

track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether

I merited heaven, or hell when I die. He was out there,

sort of like a president. I recognized His picture

when I saw it, but I really didn’t know Him.

But later on when I met Christ, it seemed as though

life were rather like a bike ride, but it was a tandem

bike. and I noticed that Christ was in the back

helping me pedal.

I don’t know just when it was that He suggested we

changed places, but life has not been the same since.

When I had control. I knew the way. It was rather boring,

but predictable…It was the shortest distance
between two points.

But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long

cuts, up mountains, and through rocky places at

breakneck speeds, it was all I could do to hang

on! Even though it looked like madness, He said,


I worried and was anxious and asked, “Where are

you taking me?” He laughed and didn’t answer, and I

started to learn to trust. I forgot my boring life and

entered into the adventure. And when I’d say, “I’m
scared,” He’d lean back and touch my hand.

He took me to people with gifts that I needed,

gifts of healing, acceptance and joy. They gave me

their gifts to take on my journey, my Lord’s and mine.

And we were off again.

He said, “Give the gifts away; they’re extra baggage,

too much weight.” So I did, to the people we met, and

I found that in giving I received, and still our burden

was light.

I did not trust Him, at first, in control of my life.

I thought He’d wreck it; but He knows bike secrets,

knows how to make it bend to take sharp corners, jumps

to clear high rocks, fly to shorten scary passages.

I am learning to shut up and pedal in the

strangest places, and I’m beginning to enjoy the cool

breeze on my face with my delightful
constant companion, Christ.

And when I’m sure I just can’t do anymore,

He smiles and says…

” Just Pedal.”

Author Unknown

Jesus The Carpenter

in the carpenters shop“Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”—ay, it is He;

Joseph the carpenter—same trade as me—

I thought as I’d find it—I knew it was here—

But my sight’s getting queer.

I don’t know right where as His shed must ha’ stood—

But often, as I’ve been a-planing my wood,

I’ve took off my hat, just with thinking of He

At the same work as me.

He warn’t that set up that He couldn’t stoop down

And work in the country for folks in the town;

And I’ll warrant He felt a bit pride, like I’ve done,

At a good job begun.

The parson he knows that I’ll not make too free,

But on Sunday I feels as pleased as can be,

When I wears my clean smock, and sits in a pew,

And has taught a few.

I think of as how not the parson hissen,

As is teacher and father and shepherd o’ men,

Not he knows as much of the Lord in that shed,

Where He earned His own bread.

And when I goes home to my missus, says she,

“Are ye wanting your key?”

For she knows my queer ways, and my love for the shed

(We’ve been forty years wed).


So I comes right away by mysen, with the book,

And I turns the old pages and has a good look

For the text as I’ve found, as tells me as He

Were the same trade as me.

Why don’t I mark it? Ah, many say so,

But I think I’d as lief, with your leaves, let it go:

It do seem that nice when I fall on it sudden—

Unexpected, you know!


Reflecting on our Homeschool Journey

mother and daughter reading togetherThis season of homeschooling highschool has been a joy in many ways yet somewhat bitter sweet at times. The sweet part is realized when each ordinary day reveals a mostly happy crew simply living, learning,  and enjoying normal family life together.  Sharing many meals, reading special books, laughing at an old episode of  The Andy Griffith Show  or enjoying a day at the pool is ordinary but rich. Homeschooling life is good.  Homeschooling highschool allows our family to  work on  and enjoy relationships simply because there is more time….more minutes, hours, and days together…sort of like being on vacation.  I’m amazed to see my boys  grow and change into nice young men who are  truly a delight for my husband and I to spend time with. They make us laugh nearly every day and now that they are older there seems to be a richer fellowship. My husband enjoys teaching them life-skills and  they are truly a help to him. It seems there is always an ongoing project so that there are ample opportunities to teach important skills.  These days my boys know their way around a kitchen so much so that I’ve nearly worked myself out of a job.   A benefit of homeschooling is that you eat three meals a day together…seven days a week. Cooking and  sharing oodles of meals together and with other homeschool families is something to be treasured because this will one day end.  All of this time during highschool allows my husband and I to see our young men making mostly good choices; being quite  independent and self- governed throughout the day.  I rejoice in this!

mom reading to boyHowever these highschool years are somewhat concerning because there is the realization that  time is running out and many important goals have not been accomplished.  Learning never ends and Christ will continue to  teach us forever but my time to choose curriculum, read-aloud books, lessons, and plan activities is quickly coming to an end. I do not have 10 more years to work on writing projects or to read all of the Lamplighter Books on my list. There are important world view lessons, apologetics, economics, and more that have not been adequately addressed.  Although we will tackle a government unit senior year, I hoped we would have more time to delve into a Constitutional study.  Sadly, there are simply not enough days to fulfill all of the goals that I thought were important.

When I realize that our homeschooling years are nearly over….I can work myself into a panic over this thought.  The years are slipping through my fingers and there is still so much learning and understanding to be done. Homeschooling highschool is sometimes bitter-sweet because it is a time of reflecting and evaluating. You often second guess yourself and question the methods you’ve used.  Perhaps an un-schooling approach would have allowed for a “love of learning.” Perhaps a classical approach would have produced enthusiastic readers. Maybe I allowed family life to get in the way of our studies….relatives visiting, illnesses, and hospitality preparation often  took the place of studying. Maybe my priorities need some tweaking? Maybe they do not.  Who knows…only God knows.

Victorian Parents Educating ChildrenAnyway my point is that although the rewards of homeschooling are great, they are not necessarily what the homeschooling “professionals” say that they are.  You may sit and read books to your children every day for years and years and they may never develop a passion for reading. Reading books provides an opportunity to train, disciple, and discuss…but it may not produce a bookworm.   Years of copywork like Charlotte Mason suggests may produce somewhat better penmanship and provide lovely books of verses and poems to treasure for years,  but there is no guarantee your child will become  a good writer simply from copying segments of superior writing.  Faithfully following a certain curriculum will not necessarily produce the results promised. It is a comfort to know that sometimes a child will  have “caught” something that was never taught.   For example, my oldest son is a terrific speller in spite of the fact that we dropped our spelling curriculum early on. This must have been a gift from God because I certainly did not teach much spelling.

Homeschooling highschool has been the right choice for our family and   has been gratifying and wonderful beyond words. Homeschooling highschool has been  important because it has allowed more  opportunities to pass on values and worldview lessons to our children . Although our highschool age children are nearly adults they still need direction and supervision because there is the inherent  immaturity that goes hand in hand with youth and lack of experience.

Indeed, homeschooling  is a lifestyle that offers so many rewards and is a wise choice for most families. Although this is difficult to do,   I would encourage new homeschool moms  to trust their own instincts though more than  some homeschooling pioneer or author.  I would tell them to prayerfully consider that perhaps the Lord has has very particular or even more worthy lessons for your family than the homeschool speaker has on his list for you. Maybe God has a different plan for your children. Trusting in God is hard sometimes however the words of a  wise homeschool mom still ring in my ear. “Jesus is the teacher in our family,” she told me, “He is in charge of our learning after all.” My children belong to Him and I trust that He has created them with certain bents, strengths and even weaknesses which will be used for His glory.

The rewards of homeschooling are not seen immediately because they are eternal. Mentoring your child is actually multi-generational if you consider that this child will one-day have his own children.  I’ve heard others remark that they saw much of the fruit of their homeschooling years when their children had their own homes and families.  Truly, the successes of homeschooling cannot always be measured while still in the trenches, and besides, there is no test to measure a family learning together… orchestrated by divine providence.   So although this season is somewhat tinged with questions and doubts, it is still wonderful….I would not trade these years of homeschooling highschool for the world.
