Today is Flag Day!

homecoming-marine-rockwellToday we celebrate Flag Day.  Are you still proud of our flag?  Are you proud to be an American?  I am.  However,  if political correctness has its way our freedom to speak and think freely may be lost…simply being proud of our Country or of our flag may be considered to be a form of microagression.  Shockingly, but typical for the  so very “tolerant”  left,  Janet Napolitano,  former secretary of homeland Security and now President of the University of California system has banned certain words and phrases which may be a form of microagression.  Apparently, if you  express that “America is the land of opportunity”  you are being offensive.

Please practice and support your God given right to think and speak and believe as you wish.  Please spread the word about this crime of political correctness before it’s too late.  For more information on this story click here.
