Doing The Next Thing

Bakingday_Hemsley children at table cuteElizabeth Elliot’s words “Just do the next thing” still ring in my ears even after many years.  “And if you don’t know what to do, do the thing in front of you,” she reminds us.   In my world the “next thing” is often to simply  clean the kitchen, prepare dinner or get the laundry started. For the homeschool mom the next thing is often a reading or math lesson.  At times, it may be something more meaningful like a profound discussion or worldview lesson. These talks are often the best part of homeschooling because we have the opportunity to pass down our values and worldview to our precious children.  We are mentoring the next generation. How amazing is that!  Today my boys and I talked about the meaning behind the wonderful hymn Down From His Glory.

Instead of holding down a “real” job  we homemakers do manage to keep busy doing the next thing…everyday. Instead of giving our time to a company, office job or personal career our investment is in our home and family.  Our time is devoted to teaching our children and building a happy family life.

A list to reference can be  helpful when overwhelmed by all the details of a daily life. I hope you enjoy reading over this list.  Perhaps your list would look completely different than mine.  I’m curious…what would you have on your list?  ~Anne

A .  Adore God (Worship Him in all you do)

B.   Be a listener (especially when your children want to talk)

C.   Clean

D.   De-clutter  (a shelve, a drawer, a corner)

E.   Exercise (even if it is just 15 minutes)

F.   Floss  (enough said)

G.  Good deed (Anything at all)

H.  Healthy meals

I.    Ignore and shrug off insults

J.    Journal or Post

K.   Kiss Your Husband

L.   Lists  (Prepare and check off)

M.  Memorize Verse,  Spanish Word, Quotation etc.

N.   Notice progress and acknowledge it

O.   Organize something

P.    Praise God all day long

Q.   Quiz verbally (Vocab,  History etc.)

R.   Rebel against evil

S.    Sing

T.   Teach

U.   Use left-overs

V.   Vitamins

W.  Walk & Water

X.   Xanthippe (Don’t be an ill Tempered woman)

Y.  Yield to God (Submit to God)

Z.   Be Zealous about sharing Christ with others




2 thoughts on “Doing The Next Thing

  1. hi anne, yes the next thing my bible right next to me i’m happy to say it only takes a minute to change your mood through reading the finest of all . The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1, 7
    I did the next thing , i took advise from Ms. Elliot, now i’m contemplating on my life, how the Lord sent me advise via . His word , people , books etc. Now did i receive it? I’ll be munching on that all day long, it struck a chord in my heart. I’ll let you know my thoughts on this again. This has caused me to really get honest with myself . So a penny for your thought!! best to you

    1. Hi Bunny,
      God is so good to us and is faithful to complete the work He has begun in us. Hallelujah what a Savior!! I appreciate your comments. ~Anne

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