What Did Your Parents Most Want You to Be?

The best thing about Prager University videos is that they are  filled with good old fashioned common sense…something that is missing these days.  Watching them is like listening to a wise old grandpa explain many of life’s lessons in everyday regular language.  This particular video is a good reminder to us homeschoolers who may be prioritizing the wrong things. What are your thoughts on this subject?  Have you given your children the quiz yet?





Why Are You Homeschooling?

victorian family For the true Biblical homeschooler, teaching our children is more than a choice or preference.  It is a conviction….or even a calling.  Our home is our mission field.   We are called to teach, mentor, and disciple our children, and this calling is from the Lord.

I thought I’d list my top 66 reasons for homeschooling…. for my benefit and maybe yours. I love lists, and enjoy making them up. This list will help remind me and perhaps renew me when I feel unmotivated. This list is for fun but My # 1 reason to homeschool really is all I need to remember.

66.  Because we can avoid the agenda of Common Core

65.  Because we have opportunities to share the gospel together as a family in our neighborhood.

64. Because it is a joy when our children learn to read especially knowing that you taught them!

63. Because the world is your classroom, the grocery store, the car wherever you are!

62. Because the best teachers are parents not strangers.

61. Because preparing for life is better than preparing for standardized tests.

60. Because you can spend time doing those things which you value rather than what the NEA or government schools value

59. Because we can take a break from academics when life gets hard such as illness, hospitalization, caring for elderly etc.

58. Because we can read and discuss good literature together
