Site is slowly coming back online…

Hello  Everyone!  If you have been trying to visit our site over the last week or so and received a message saying that it was not found here is why:  It’s a long story but I’ll try to make it brief.  About 9 months ago I moved Educators At Home to a new more robust server.  The person I was leasing the server from sold me a years worth of hosting which I paid for in advance.

Well,  last week the server went down and I thought  it had crashed and needed a reboot.  Well turns out that the person did not pay for the server and they shut us down.  I tried desperately to get the service reinstated, but this is where the story gets very convoluted. The person I purchased our hosting from was sub leasing from a company called “Wild West Hosting” who sub leases from a company in Chicago.  After hours and hours of tracing IP’s and hosting companies I was told that “because I wasn’t the original person who set up the account,  I could not get my data back because technically it did not belong to us.”  Unfortunately, all of our system backups were on the server and not local; big mistake.  I’ve been rebuilding the site from an old backup I had locally that was about 9 months old.  This has been a learning experience for me as  I’ve had to custom build MySQL database files to make the old backup compatible with the newest version of Word Press.

Needless to say many of Anne’s and my recent posts are gone but not forgotten.  It will take us a while to rebuild the site, but from the ashes we will build a better site.   Our online store will be getting an upgrade and some new content including e-books.  I’m also considering a TechnoDad Podcast for computer and other issues.  In addition we also may be looking at increasing our sites footprint into more social media.

So come back and visit often and watch for more improvements daily.

Thanks for your support

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