Evolution vs. God

I just recently had the opportunity to view this excellent video “Evolution vs. God” and found Mr. Comfort’s  line of questioning one that revealed so much about the heart of the atheist and evolutionist.  What a thought-provoking presentation that is so worth the  30 minutes. Rev. Bresciani wrote this excellent review of the presentation.

“Modern secular education and propaganda and indoctrination are birds of a feather” Anon

The Evolution V. God video is only a bit over thirty minutes in length, but it is one of the most power packed blows to the evolutionary model produced in this decade.

Having seen the video several times wasn’t enough for this writer, I began combing the tweets, and blogs to see the people’s reaction. While many believers were delighted with it, the indoctrinated and dyed in the wool evolutionists, in large part, resorted to degrading and nasty remarks often aimed at Ray Comfort.

Arguments against Comfort’s conclusions were almost non-existent because Comfort questioned only those who are Darwinists. They did not fare well, although they remained dignified they were unable to give a defense of something they had swallowed hook, line and sinker, with no serious thought to the other side of the argument.

One blogger thought he had clinched the argument by declaring that the next time Ray Comfort gets sick he should take a ‘creationist penicillin pill.’ That science has produced some amazing benefits for mankind was never Comfort’s argument.
